Friday, January 14, 2005

so today was the first exam day. studied hard, but not hard to the point i look crazy. civics exam turned out to be a lot easier than i expected though i thought i could do better if i studied more on the government. then we went to bv. it was so cold i couldnt feel my legs and i ate a teen burger ^^ cuz you know, i'm a teen. harhar, n then i order my faaaave drink from starbucks. yummy yummy caramel apple cider. n then we studied. english exam, i know i didnt fail but aahh, didnt do as well as i should have. lol especially the sight reading part, i'm so stupid. n then yesterday there was like NO ONE at school, SKIPPAARS. oh well the whole day was fun cuz it was like study period each class but no one even studied so all we did was like laugh and talk. pe was so fun, hahaha me and dana vs. ange and jess in dodgeball. then we got so bored of each other. oh well:):) off to kbbq with ce jo jim leighton nathan and whoever else is in my group