Monday, December 03, 2007

so much

I've had so much to say in the past month but I never got around to posting. I should really start to regularly post again just to get my thoughts out - pointless or not.

Being here at Western has definitely changed the way I look at many things and the way I do things now. I've matured but I still have a long way to go.

Ten more days and I'm going to be back at home. I need this break for revitalization, to take the time to plan things out for the future and to get back on track with all the stuff I've put off in the last little while.

These days are packed, but I kinda like it this way so I don't waste anytime.

Here are some pictures from recent days that aren't posted on Facebook because I deactivated it...

Tonight was CAISA Christmas... so many goodbyes already - it was kinda heartbreaking. God keeps teaching me to never waste time and so I won't. Thanks for a good semester guyses.

Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail.

~Ralph Waldo Emerson