Reason being, I'm usually the baby of the usual group of people I hang out with since I'm the only one still in university, with everyone else engaged, married, and with careers.
Hung out with some great HK friends that are unfortunately not in the same stage of life that I am, but I still love them all the same.
The paradox of growing older is that... when we're young, we want to be a little older to have the liberty and opportunities to do things that we can't when we're not of age but as soon as we reach that age, we suddenly look back on our blissful youth and then wonder why we wanted to grow up so fast...
I always have to remind myself that being young is a great thing - that we can always grow older, but never younger. At the very same time, there is a very beautiful thing about getting older and hopefully all the wiser... We're (hopefully) achieving very lifechanging milestones that can't happen if time was stationary...